Tests offered and how to submit a test

Resistance Seed-Testing is underway from the 2024 season. Here is the latest info.
Sampling plants:
Dormancy in freshly harvested ryegrass delays testing and our ability to report the results for the coming season particularly for pre-emergent herbicides.
We are finding that ryegrass is becoming more dormant. Please send us as much seed as possible. The more seed we have, eg a cup full of seed equivalent (100+ seed heads) the faster the turnaround.
Post-emergent testing starts in summer. If the seed responds to our dormancy breaking tricks we can start the testing earlier on a first in first serve basis.
Pre-emergence testing starts in mid autumn when the temperature drops so there is a chance these results will NOT be ready for the 2025 season. We do our best!
To avoid disappointment expect to use the results for the 2026 season and beyond.
Preparing for postage: Send the seeds to
Plant Science Consulting
22 Linley Avenue
Prospect SA 5082
Pricing: slight increase.
If you have any questions regarding the test or if you do not receive the attachments,
please notify me or Sam Kleemann
Peter: 0400 66 44 60
Sam: 0418 256 475
Specialising in herbicide resistance testing
Plant Science Consulting (PSC) is an Adelaide based company specialising in Herbicide Resistance Testing. The company was founded by Dr Peter Boutsalis who has been involved in Herbicide Resistance for over 25 years, both in Australia and overseas. PSC offers a wide range of tests including herbicide resistance testing of weeds as seeds & plants (Quick-Test). The Quick-Test was developed by Dr P. Boutsalis in the late 1990’s. He now works as an independent agricultural consultant and for The University of Adelaide researching herbicide resistance.
How the process works
Quick, Simple & Easy
Register your samples online and obtain a unique registration ID number. Write this ID number on your sample bag. Post your samples to Plant Science Consulting. Once the testing is completed, the report will be emailed to you along with a tax invoice with payment details. It couldn’t be any easier.

To register using a paper brochure click here
Please note that there is a $25 incl GST fee for transferring the information from the paper copy into the electronic site.
This fee will be included in the final tax invoice.

A resistance quick test is very useful on assessing the level of herbicide resistance in a particular weed population, and helps to develop chemical strategies and other weed control methods in current and subsequent years.
Grant Johnson, Agronomist
J & J Cunningham Agri Services
Cooke Plains SA
Herbicide resistance testing can make growers tens of thousands of dollars a year through improved herbicide and rotation choice.
Bill Long
Ag Consulting & Co,
Ardossan, SA
“Peter’s Syngenta Herbicide Resistance QUICK-TEST has been a very worthwhile service to growers we advise. It enables us to find out the resistance spectrum of plants surviving herbicides in the field and to have results to act on that season. Peter has also been a great help to the Hart Fieldsite group assisting with ryegrass trials and speaking on ryegrass control to growers and advisers at our many field days in the past two years”
Allan Mayfield
Clare, South Australia
Agronomic consultant and past research coordinator of the Hart Fieldsite Group
I find that being able to get quick results on the resistant status of weeds allows us to make a suitable salvage option and start to plan for next years control options.
Terry Edis
Elders, Ariah Park, NSW
Peter, very happy with the Quick-Test reports, quick turn around, easy to understand and great info to be able to present to growers. Gives us a great advantage to understand what is happening in the pdk during the year and make decisions for future cropping and chemical use. Great service many thanks.
Steve Dickson
Agvise Services P/L, Inverleigh, Vic
Herbicide resistant testing has become an important part of managing resistance on our property, we use it both strategically (determining which paddocks to remove from cropping) and tactically (deciding on what herbicide groups will work in specific paddocks we suspect of having resistance).
Dr Grant Roberts
Stradbrooke Park, Clare SA
Thankyou for the Quick Test results. We suspected it had some resistance to glyphosate – now it is confirmed, with an indication to the degree of resistance. We now have the ability to choose other herbicides and non-herbicide tactics to reduce, and hopefully kill the population.
Damien & Lauren Philp
Manoora, SA